Friday, October 17, 2008


How was it like... when all around you make you happy and suddenly... poof all gone.... Well this kind of situation was not the first time.... I always belief that... being alone and having agony in me is one of my element.... Well guess I was right...

Today was a very fine example.... Well not the first time i taste this kind of darkness.... It was all begin when yesterday I said I wanted to go lowyat.... Actually I planned to go alone... then.. I ask around... suddenly found a person.. then from there.. it spreads... more and more confirmed they are going....

This morning.... smiles was on all of their faces.... {make my very own standing of going alone.... shifted to companion/party mode} then... it continued till when my second class ends.... Suddenly all said they do not want to go..... One by one by one and by one..... till... left nothing.... xD I know it was nothing knew... is just that.. one side of me was too weak.... It feels like..... get dumped and this time.. the pain x4... cux... memories of the pass linked with it..... Am I actually.....was not so welcomed....? Or did I did anything wrong before until peers around me needs to hurt me?? Honestly I do not know.... what I know was... I meant to be alone... suffer.... and walk a silent path.....


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