Friday, June 13, 2008

The 200TH post

Wow.. it has been 200 days non-stop ever since I finished my SPM last year... {as well as blogged here} lol..... Too many stuff happened and most of them unexpected... Like taking engineering course.... then.... accepting my uniform in APIIT... and.. meeting new friends.... and results.. and etc....

Today was a weird day... most of the class got delayed.... EEP got delayed.... and Malaysian Studies delayed + went home early... lolx.... so... LOL.... At home... I was playing... then after dinner.... online again.... which landed me here.. @__@ lolx....

Well I have random pictures... here.. have a look....

LOOK! we're using the EnE board.. now only I know it was used this way.. I thought a bay for park electronics component only... @__@

Haha... can you see we're testing out something there...??

Lol..... well got to go and start my malaysian studies assignment... cyax


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