Monday, August 24, 2009

No longer in the list

Usual cycle of first day in the week... DPP>>> IADE>>> lunch break.. then ICP... haha... nothing much happened today.. except lots of my friends look exhausted... Why? fasting month dude... start from 2 days ago......

Lunch that time... there are much a space over there in cafeteria.. not forgetting MIX09 booth... it is really nice... Seriously... CY really did a great job... well done cy xD... It was then I realized I need to stay till 6pm for replacement class haha...

So... who attend MIX09? Only two.... BK and JT... for me.. most likely I'm not going... {NOT BECAUSE I DONT want to SUPPORT MY FRIEND}.... reason is not only assignment... transportation purpose... and there is a few things in my mind as well... haha...

Then... in the night... some light progress of assignment... and finally back to my PC... 9pm I'm here but there's nothing much going on... {understandable.... all of them went somewhere haha...}... and yeah.. sad to say I am no longer in the list... Just because of time constrain and... certain people matter.... So I'm stucked with stupid entertainment of clicking of webpages.... What an alternative... and yeah... to be honest... I "LOVE" it... hell yeah baby... xD

Tonnes to be done and yet I'm still slacking around... well looking forward for tomorrow.. as I'm going to start my class in the morning 10am instead of early 8am.... got to go... cyax ;)


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