Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hmm.. although tomorrow is the due date for EM assignment... I had handed in last week.... Alright now back to what happened today.... We got our group for BCS presentation on development plan.... Farm... me khakival and dhaif... and I knew how to do it already...

Then maths class... after maths.. lunch and then mr. seva's class... there I clarified my doubts and explaination by mr. chantiran and then gym... [LIGHT ONE as I wanted to rush home]

THEN THE HELL LET LOOSE... due to the spread of swine flu and level 4 of the disease... my father disallow me to go gym... as well as public places....

Here is what triggers my nerve.... FIRST after exam there is a month holiday... I AM NOT GOING TO GYM THAT MONTH!!!!! OH GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD AnD if I skipped now... it is going to be hellish effect on me.... and even during exam week... I will not be in the gym due to focusing on studies.....

SECOND... my high school group reunion is happening this saturday... WHAT THE HELL.... FOR more than a year I had never saw em... then this reunion was a wasted as I need to wait for another year... AIKSSsss or probably the waiting duration extends till unknown... LOL................

SERIOUSLY THIS SWINEY THINGY.. hopefully it ends now.. or WHO got a false alarm {As they they it might be a false alarm} and END ALL MY HELL... I do not want to lose my daily routine!!!...

Well then I had started my IMT... not much actually.. just introduction... then I'll carry on tomorrow... right now... helping friends with assignment.. cyax ;)


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