Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day of off school

Yup... today didnt go school... stay at home and study some of my ITA and QMS... OMG that QMS break even analysis chart so easy... @__@ if not of last minute work... I might have scored more.. anyhow... great to know it....

After some study... i went resting with some music in my ears... and then the next 2-3 hours... went out with my mom to shopping complex to stock up our daily products like rice and etc..... then after that went home.. rest a little bit and I went online once again.....

Played a while.. then it was dinner time... after dinner we played again.... T__T sadly... one part... didnt work out well and we lose jux because of that.... haha.. anyhow great try... Alright... I guess I need to go now... cyax then ;)


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